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Committed to quality and

innovation since 1903

Five Generations

of Excellence

Committed From the Roots Up

We provide the highest quality raisins and industrial solutions to customers worldwide, while upholding the values of integrity, sustainability, and innovation.

Founded on Quality

We cultivate and supply a diverse selection of premium raisins and raisin-based products, renowned for their exceptional quality.


We cultivate and supply a diverse selection of premium raisins and raisin-based products, renowned for their exceptional quality.

Golden Raisins

Our Golden Raisins are carefully crafted from Natural Seedless Grapes for a delightful snacking and baking experience.


Our raisins are produced with the Dried-On-the Vine technique, which is a key part of our ongoing efforts to produce cleaner and safer raisins.


A Veteran Worldwide Supplier with a Respected Reputation​

With quality and sustainability at the core of what we do, our distribution and packaging services are guaranteed to exceed customer expectations.


120 Years of Growing Experience and Expertise

From our state-of-the-art facility to the advanced technology and grower practices, Lion Raisins is a pioneer in California Raisin production and farming.

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