Committed from the Roots Up

Throughout the Central Valley
Located in the heart of California's sun-drenched Central Valley, our vineyards provide the perfect environment for growing premium raisins.
With abundant sunshine, warm temperatures, and nutrient-rich soil, this region has been renowned for producing some of the world's finest grapes for generations, absorbing the natural goodness of the California climate.

Dried On the Vine
Our raisins are produced with the Dried-On-the Vine technique. DOV is a key part of our ongoing efforts to produce cleaner and safer raisins, while lowering costs to stay competitive in the world market.
Raisins made in the shade have proven to meet the food safety concerns of our customers, over that of tray-dried raisins, for the following reasons:
No stones
No embedded grit
No embedded sand
No animal contamination
No human contamination
Fewer embedded stems

Grower Benefits
Partnerships dedicated to building relationship and achieving success
When you become a part of the Lion Raisins family, you can expect a range of benefits that make us the preferred choice for grape growers:
Competitive Pricing
Consistent Demand
Expert Support